WS 2016/2017


setwd, library, data, cleaning

raw_data <- read.table(file = "data/FS_UTM.csv",
                       header = TRUE,
                       sep = ";",
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       quote = "")

## check for issues/problems
## str(raw_data)
## apply(X=raw_data[,4:20], MARGIN = 2, FUN=function(x){x[x>1]})
raw_data$settlement[raw_data$settlement > 1] <- 1

sites <- raw_data
coordinates(sites) <- ~xUTM+yUTM
proj4string(sites) <- CRS("+init=epsg:32634")

Get data

SRTM scenes and rgdal

Please go to, download the appropriate SRTM scence(s) for our Romanian research area, unzip them and load them into R using the rgdal package.

Plot the sites onto the raster to see whether the srtm scene covers all the points.

srtm <- readGDAL("data/srtm_41_03.tif")
## data/srtm_41_03.tif has GDAL driver GTiff 
## and has 6001 rows and 6001 columns

SRTM scenes and rgdal

points(spTransform(sites, CRS("+init=epsg:4326")))

SRTM scences and the raster package

srtm <- raster("data/srtm_41_03.tif")
points(spTransform(sites, CRS("+init=epsg:4326")))


## takes a bit of time
srtm <- projectRaster(srtm, res=90, crs=CRS("+init=epsg:32634"))


Ask the manual: where is the difference between crop and mask?

srtm <- crop(x = srtm, y = extent(sites)+20000)

Export Raster

Since we do not want to reproject and crop in the subsequent analyses we just export the SRTM.

writeRaster(x = srtm,
            filename = "./results/srtm.tif",
            overwrite = TRUE

Terrain analyses

Using the raster package we can create a lot of different terrain parameters by just one line of code. The result will be a multi-layer raster object, like you know it from multi-/hyperspectral satellite images. You can work on such scenes like you would work on ordinary vector objects in R. <- terrain(x = srtm,
                   opt = c("slope",
                   unit = "degrees",
                   neighbors = 8)

Terrain analyses


Terrain analyses

You should be familiar with slope and aspect but do you know the what the other parameter are? A look in the help offers insights (they are based on Wilson & Gallant (2000)):

  • "TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index) is the mean of the absolute differences between the value of a cell and the value of its 8 surrounding cells.
  • TPI (Topographic Position Index) is the difference between the value of a cell and the mean value of its 8 surrounding cells.
  • Roughness is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value of a cell and its 8 surrounding cells" (from ?raster::terrain)

The help also explains that we can use focal functions in order the adapt the approaches to our needs. A focal function corresponds to a moving window. It uses a matrix of weights for the neighborhood of the focal cells.

TPI for different neighborhood size

tpiw <- function(x, w=5) {
    m <- matrix(1/(w^2-1), nc=w, nr=w) # mean of the surrounding pixel
    m[ceiling(0.5 * length(m))] <- 0 # set the centre cell 0
    f <- focal(x, m, pad = TRUE) # apply moving window
    x - f
tpi15 <- tpiw(x = srtm, w=15)
tpi31 <- tpiw(x = srtm, w=31)

TPI for different neighborhood size

For better visualisation we calculate a hillshade and overlay the TPI raster.

srtm.hs <- hillShade(slope = terrain(srtm, opt="slope"),
                     aspect = terrain(srtm, opt="aspect"),
                     angle= 150, direction = 45, normalize = TRUE)

TPI for different neighborhood size

     col = gray.colors(n= 255, start=.2, end=.9),
     legend = FALSE)
     col=colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))(255),
     alpha = .5, add=TRUE)

Export raster

writeRaster(x = tpi31,
            filename = "./results/tpi31.tif",
            overwrite = TRUE
list.files(path = "./results")
## [1] "srtm.tif"  "tpi31.tif"

Extract values

Now, it is time to integrate raster and points.

tmp <- extract(x = tpi31, y = sites)
## [1] -1.3770858  1.0698603  0.5593438 -0.6684784  2.4236159  0.8889300
## [1] 508

another way to plot

Task: please, make it nice, i.e. visually appealing and informative.

#srtmTheme <- rasterTheme(region=terrain.colors(200))
#levelplot(srtm, par.settings = srtmTheme)
levelplot(brick(tpi31, tpi15,$tpi), par.settings = RdBuTheme)


Wilson, J.P. & Gallant, J.C. eds., 2000. Terrain analysis: Principles and applications, New York: Wiley.